Sunday, March 12, 2017

Continued prayer for Michal

I ask you to continue praying for Michal. I have been working with him about his salvation for several months now. We finally completed the salvation Bible study series this past Sunday afternoon. Michal told me that he understands that he is lost, but thinks he is not able to get saved. A few months back Debra spoke with him about getting saved and he told her that he is too evil to be saved. Imagine a 14-year-old boy thinking that he is too wicked to be saved? He explained that he frequently disobeys his parents, does not do his school work on time and is lazy. Pray for him to believe the Scriptures. I clearly explained that he will never be good enough to be saved. Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. He is greatly confused. Pray for his parents as well, Janek and Anna. We have counseled them many times against being too harsh with their boys. If the young man does not feel acceptance as he is from his parents, how can he put his trust in God to accept him?       

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