Sunday, March 19, 2017

Missionary emphasis month

     The month of March will be our first full month emphasizing the blessing and responsibility of every Christian to give to support mission work in other countries. We have seen people learning to trust the Lord in small ways, learning to walk by faith. We see people taking baby steps and are asking the Lord to increase their faith. We have instituted a program we are calling “save a crown, save a soul”. The concept is to seek the Lord to lead them to bargains on items they normally purchase and then give the savings to the work of missions. Our desire is for people to seek the Lord throughout the day. Pray for the little things, as well as the large things. What people in our churches need is often to draw closer to the Lord through daily interaction. They need to “see” Jesus in a very real way. For without faith it is impossible to please God. Lord, help us all to live out our faith in real-life concrete situations.

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