On Saturday, Debra hosted a ladies' Christmas brunch. All the ladies that she invited were able to come. The boys and I took this opportunity to do a little shopping for their mother. When we arrived home the ladies were having such a great time. Please pray that the Lord will use this in the lives of those who still need the savior.
On Sunday, The children had a wonderful time practicing the Chrismas program for this Sunday. Please be in prayer for the day. We are suppose to have several first time visitors.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving Day
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We were invited to one of the many military church in Germany - near Stuttgart. We packed and left early on Wednesday morning, arrived in time for dinner with the other missionary families that had been invited, both foreign and those German missionaries nearby. Wednesday's prayer meeting was great. Our family stayed with a German family from the church, truly a blessing. On Thursday morning, we did a little shopping before heading to the church for fun and games. At 6:00 we had Thanksgiving dinner, a feast of great American favorites. The ladies went far above that which was anticipated. They had gifts for the missionary wives and children, and also gave each family a large box of American treats to take home. Friday, we had breakfast at church then off to the Christmas market (our boys decided to go with some other boys and men to the Mercedes museum). On Saturday, the church family rented some lanes at the bowling center on Base. Jeff and I were guest of the pastor which allowed us to shop at the PX and the commissary on the American base. This was the first time Jeff and I have had that blessing - we came home with many American items for the holidays.
Sunday was disappointing, we had to cancel services because of illness in our family and other members. This is another reason to keep asking the Lord for a building/room for BBBC to meet.
Sunday was disappointing, we had to cancel services because of illness in our family and other members. This is another reason to keep asking the Lord for a building/room for BBBC to meet.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Happy Birthday, James!
Our son, James, turned 14 this Sunday. It was a blessing to everyone to celebrate with him after our morning services. We served chili with cornbread, and of course, a birthday would not be complete without birthday cake -- a large Lego mini figure cake. Continue to pray for our boys as they seek to serve the Lord and seek His direction for their future ministries.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
To early for snow
On Saturday, it snowed - yes, snow. This left us with a very ugly, wet, cold day on Sunday. Our attendence was low, but our spirits were high. An additional hour of sleep will do that to a person.
Please remember to pray for the people of Brno Baptist Church as we foresee a long, cold winter ahead of us. Also be in prayer for the wisdom and finances needed to locate a meeting place in order to have a greater impact on our community.
Please remember to pray for the people of Brno Baptist Church as we foresee a long, cold winter ahead of us. Also be in prayer for the wisdom and finances needed to locate a meeting place in order to have a greater impact on our community.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Breakfast was served
What a blessing this Sunday morning was to those who attend services here in Brno. We started the morning with pancakes with maple syrup, sausage, bacon, orange juice... The maple syrup was a new, yet, special treat for the the Czechs. We had such a wonderful time of fellowship as we cook and ate, cooked and ate pancakes until we were out of batter. We soon moved from the physical food onto spiritual food - I preached a much needed message on the love of God. I will be continuing this theme over the next few weeks. We are seeking the Lord's wisdom and finances as we search for a building to rent for our services -please be in prayer with us.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Ministring to many
The few weeks have been very busy. Debra spend the week with Mae Norton. Debra took the train from Brno to DěčĂn on Monday, September 17th. They started to work as soon as she arrived and by Friday afternoon with the help of another missionary wife, they had the 3 level house packed and ready for the men to come to move boxes into storage. Mae was able to take a few more needed items with her to the United States, but most things will wait for the large shipment. Mae's brother -in-law, Daniel, is working on the best pricing for the best mode of shipment of their things. Please continue to pray for Mae Norton and the children. She misses her husaband so much, but continues to trust and rely on the Lord for her future. Her faith has not wavered.
We have had many opportunities to witness. Debra is teaching English to a school teacher here in Modřice. Last Tuesday, Debra was able to share the gospel with this teacher. Please pray for Lenka, her husband and son. They have been invited to our church services.
We started our fall literature distribution with 400 tracts distributed in north Brno and also I have been spending time in the streets. We received 200 more Bible from the misionary in Prague. Our people were so excited about the Bibles and have their list ready of the people that will be receiving them as gifts this year.
Please continue to pray for the men that I have a chance to meet on a regular basis. They ask many questions, but still need to trust the Lord.
We have had many opportunities to witness. Debra is teaching English to a school teacher here in Modřice. Last Tuesday, Debra was able to share the gospel with this teacher. Please pray for Lenka, her husband and son. They have been invited to our church services.
We started our fall literature distribution with 400 tracts distributed in north Brno and also I have been spending time in the streets. We received 200 more Bible from the misionary in Prague. Our people were so excited about the Bibles and have their list ready of the people that will be receiving them as gifts this year.
Please continue to pray for the men that I have a chance to meet on a regular basis. They ask many questions, but still need to trust the Lord.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Hugs from the Lord
It is always great to see the Lord at work, it builds our faith. We had a great weekend. We have been able to visit with Alena's husband twice in the same month, which is truly a blessing. Please pray that the Lord will use these visits to break down the wall that he has put -up against so many for so long. We are praying he will come to our services. His wife has claimed salvation, but has not been baptised. Another blessing was in Sunday school when Matty (age 3) said his memory verse. He was able to quote the whole verse of John 3:16. We wanted to cry with tears of joy and hope.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Back to school service
Our services this Sunday were encouraging. Our attendance increased and everyone was healthy. Our Sunday school lesson was about Jesus and the children, which lead to a wonderful day, as we prayed and asked the Lord's for direction, protection and boldness the children would need this year in school. A BBQ and a paper horn filled with snacks for school breaks brought fun and encouragement.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Family camp
We returned from family camp so excited to see how the Lord is working in the lives of those who have trusted Him as their personal savior. Our mini family camp was held in the Tetra Mountains in nearby Slovakia. What a blessed time we had in the Word of God. I spoke about separation and sanctification, encouraging them to be "set apart" for the Lord's purpose. But not only did we receive spiritual blessing, we were also refreshed by the great fellowship. The children enjoyed the games, snacks and crafts that Debra had prepared for them. Our Sunday lesson was a clear presentation of the gospel while the children made a beaded (black, red, white, gold and green) braclet.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Service in Brno
This Sunday's service was low in attendance. Some people have been ill again. Please continue to pray for those who need to make decissions. Also remember to pray for the Bible study in Prague and the Norton family. The next meeting in Prague is on Monday, August 26. This weekend is our first family camp, please pray.
Memorial Service for J. Norton
On Sunday, August 12, we attended, as well as 80 other people, the memorial service for our dear friend and fellow missionary, Jushua Norton. A clear presentation of the gospel was given. Please pray for those with softened hearts and also for those who left with hearts just a little harder by the death of this young husband and father. Jushua was only 40 years old.
Monday, July 30, 2012
10 years in the Czech Republic
What a great day to be a Sunday - the Lord's day. 10 years ago my family and I arrived in Prague, Czech Republic. Greeted by those we did not know in a country we did not understand. - Now we call it home. The Lord has blessed us with some wonderful people. Please pray for those who still need to be saved, those that need to be baptized and those who need to make a greater conmittment to the Lord's work.
Brno Baptist Church members and attendees 7/ 2012
Photo (from left to right) In the back are Jeff, Jan, James, Debra, Maty and Anna. In the middle are Miky, Martin and David. In the front are Alena, Milada and Marek.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Czech services
This Sunday was our "Ice Cream Sunday". It did feel much like the weather for eating ice cream, but somehow the ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream seemed to disappear. We had 6 Czechs and our family in services today. We studied "Praising God", which I think we all do too little of. In Sunday school we talked about Jesus and how He fed the multitudes with one small lunch and the power of God. The children were eager to taste the flat bread, but when it came to tasting the fish, they decided they had had enough. Please continue to pray for those in need of salvation.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Sunday school summary
Last year we finished our walk through the Old Testimony and started the New Testiment. We have been looking into the life of our Lord Jesus Christ and the miracles recorded in scripture. We use several different teaching methods to reach the children with the wonder treasures found in God's Word, flannels and hands out activities are amoung the favorites for our lessons. Last year we also started quoting memory verses as a group then we encourage each student to memorize and quote as an individual, this has been a blessing as stated in our blog before. Our goal is to complete the New Testiment then look into the Armor of God. Please pray for Mikky's salvation. He is 10 years old now and has many questions.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Brno Baptist check up
The weather here has been very hot, but it hasn't kept people at home - praise the Lord. Please continue to pray for those who need to be saved. Several know what they need to do - so pray. Our parenting classes will be finishing soon. Pray for those parents to be doers of the word and not hearers only.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Services in the Czech Republic
Service are going well here. We are averaging 5 people each Sunday. The children are memorizing scripture each week getting better and quoted more, they even have the adults encouraged to get involved. We have enjoyed the many visitors that have come our way and thank the Lord for His provisions. Please continue to pray for the Czech people, the summer months are holiday time and an excuse not to be in the Lord's house.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mother's Day services
This Sunday was not only a day to honour our Lord and Savior, but it was a day set aside to honor our mothers. We are so thankful to the Lord for our mothers. We celebrated this day with songs, gifts, a great message form the book of John, scripture memory; including Maty who is only two years old - amen, and also Strawberries - strawberry tea, strawberries in sugar, strawberries dipped in dark chocolate and strawberry shortcakes - yum yum. The Lord is so good and He created strawberries......
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Praise the Lord for another good week and a great start to the week ahead of us. Sunday services were blessings. Jeff taught on sin and repentance in the Christian's life. We are putting the final schedule together for Pastor Wagenschutz and the group of young people that will arrive here on Wednesday morning. Please be in prayer for this out-reach and the safety as we travel to and from Prague. Be in prayer for the Czechs in each of the different villages that will be receiving tracts this week. |
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Praising the Lord
What a great service we had on Sunday. Everyone was back in the services - no sickness and no meetings. The message was convicting and the songs were uplifting. Please pray for us as we prepare for a mission group that arrives on Wednesday. They will be with us for 9 days. Literature distributions are scheduled in villages and apartment building. We also have a few fun days planned.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Resurrection Sunday 2012
We would like to wish each of you a wonderful "Resurrection" Sunday.
Continue to pray for the salvation of the Czech people.
Continue to pray for the salvation of the Czech people.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sunday's Czech Services
What a wonderful day we had on Sunday. The sun was shining and heart were uplifted. The children had their verses memorized and ready to quote. Each of the boys did a fantasic job on their verses in Czech and English. The singing was great. Matty, who is two, is learning the word to more and more songs. His favorite song is "Jesus Lives" in Czech,of course. Each Sunday, we try to have special music. Usaully James or David play the piano or Mikky plays the guitar. This week Matty decided (keep in mind that he is only two) he would play a song for us during Sunday school - it was pricless. I have included a photo.,
Friday, March 23, 2012
Preparations made for group
I am sorry I have not written for some time. Services have been about the same here with many still ill or out of town. We have been preparing and making arrangements for a group of young people to come from the US to visit and help with the work. We also have been translating, proofing and have a new tract printed called "SoudnĂ˝ Den?? (Judgment Day??). This tract is ready and will be distributed by the group of young people. We have had the opportunity to meet serval new families over the last few months. Please pray that they will attend our services.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Lord's Supper
What a blessing it was to observe the Lord's Supper for the first time with the church here in Brno. Many have been ill, including our family, but the Lord has been our strength and encouragement. The weather here continues to be quite unusual, looking more like spring than winter. Pray for us as we work out details to continue Bible studies and
parenting classes.
parenting classes.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Czech services
Sickness, holidays and just very cold weather is keeping are number of attendence low. We had a great meeting with Lenka and will begin to disciple her just as soon as details can be worked out. Salvation Bible study is going well with Suzanna. Please pray for these two ladies as well as the spiritual and physical needs of Milada. She still needs to be saved and she has not been well this winter. The children in Sunday school are doing well with their memory work and they seem to be enjoying the Life of Christ studies.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Czech services
Another wonderful day to praise the Lord for His goodness and His protection. Yesterday, the temperatures dropped and the snow began to fall and fall and fall. At one point last night, we thought services would be late or possible need to be cancelled for the safety of those that need to travel so far to get here. This morning we were back to the unusually warm tempertures that we have be having and by service time the snow was mostly gone. - Praise God. It was good to see Mirek back in service today. Continue to pray for decissions to be made. Also pray for our Salvation Bible Study starting this week with Suzana, continuing parenting classes and a meeting we have scheduled with Lenka, who has not been in church services for sometime.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Czech services
Today services were a blessing with six Czechs in attendence. The weather turned very cold this week end, but Milada and Alena were in the services - Praise God. Mirek has not been in our services for quite some time, but Milada said he has off work next week and plans on attending services - Amen. We are now studying the life of Christ in Sunday school. James play a special on the piano. - A day for praising God for His goodness.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Czech Services January 8th
Great services today, but too many missing because of illness and meetings. Continue to pray for those who attend Brno Baptist Church. Some still need to be saved and others need to be baptisted. Please pray for Micky, a nine years old boy, he had a lot of questions today in services. He needs to get saved. His mother and father are members of the church here in Brno.
New Year services

Chrismas 2011
Our Christmas here in the Czech Republic was a blessing with several visitors, delicious food and many Czech cookies and cakes. We enjoyed many visits with our Czech and American friends during these holidays, but the greatest blessing to our family and the church family was presenting this year's gift basket and Bible to a young mother and widow. Please continue to pray for the salvation of the Czech people. We made many contacts this Christmas and we would like to see the Lord do a work in their hearts in 2012
Visit to the USA
This year we were able to spend Thanksgiving day and three additional weeks with our daughters and their families. It was great to spend time talking with the girls, getting to know our son-in-laws a little better and loving those grandauthers of ours. We were also able to visit with Deb's mom and sister and my parents. Our home church, Grace Bible Baptist Church, celebrated 50 years on Sunday December 13th in which Debra and I were able to take part in the services. Thank you to all who sent love offering and Christmas gifts that made this trip possible. Next time back in the USA we will being visiting our supporting churches and prayer parteners.
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