Saturday, December 23, 2017
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Great news
This week, David was accepted into the College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Missouri for the 2018 fall semester. He will be joining his brother, James, who starts his junior year this January.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Mikulaš Day
Mikulás is the Hungarian version of Saint Nicholas, and a similar figure to Santa Claus. In many cities, Mikulas is getting more conflated with Santa Claus. Still, it is believed that Mikulas arrives to celebrate his day, December 6, and leaves before Christmas. This tradition is also well known in Romania, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia,Croatia and Poland.
On Tuesday evening, we were able to distribute 150 Mikulaš Day tracts . This tract includes the gospel and a true story from a young Czech lady who was so afraid of Mikulaš day when she was a child.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Czech National Day of Freedom
What is the Czech Republic National Day of Freedom?
The Czech Republic National Day of Freedom started off as a demonstration by university students in Prague in 1989 and quickly turned into a protest that created a movement, now known as ‘The Velvet Revolution’ or ‘The Gentle Revolution’.
Research carried out by the Medea agency found that although 84% of Czechs know the 17th of November is a public holiday to celebrate The Velvet Revolution, only 30% of people under the age of 30 are aware of this fact.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
November 11th

In the United States, Novemeber the 11th is known as "Veteran's Day", but here in the Czech Republic it is known as "Saint Martin's Day". He is the patron saint of soldiers, horses, riders, geese and wine makers; most often he is depicted on horseback with his half coat and the beggar.
Saint Martin was born in 316 AD as Martin of Tours. His father was a pagan Roman senior officer in the Roman province of Upper Pannonia, present-day Hungary, and forced Martin to become a soldier as early as the age of fifteen. He was named Bishop of Tours in 372, but continued to lead the life of a monk in a hut by the Loire River, where the Marmoutier abbey was later founded. Saint Martin died at the age of 81 in Candes near Tours, in 397.
Saint Martin’s Day is one of the most popular days of the year since early history. This day is associated not only with the coming of the first snow, but also with annual festivals and all that belong to them. It is impossible to separate this feast from a well-fed and roasted St. Martin's goose, usually served with bread or potato dumplings and red cabbage.
On a cold, dark night Martin encountered a half-naked beggar who asked him for alms. However, Martin had no money on him and, as he wanted to protect the beggar against the cold, he cleaved his coat into two halves and gave one to the beggar. The following night, Christ appeared in front of him dressed in one half of the coat. It is likely that this apparition caused Martin to be christened at Easter 339 and to decide to devote his life to God.
One says that the goose is eaten because geese disturbed Saint Martin’s sermons so they are now punished in the pan.
The other one holds that Martin was so modest that he concealed himself in a goose house to avoid his appointment as a bishop, but the cackling of the geese gave him away.
Country's weather lore:
Saint Martin is supposed to bring the first snowflakes to us.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Printing and future outreach
The three tracts
I mentioned in my last prayer letter are being printed at this time. We praise
the Lord for offerings that came in for this printing. The tracts will be
distributed near the train station and in the underground tunnel beneath the
station. We pray the Lord will use these new tracts to convict people of their
false ideas and idolatry.
We are planning
our outreach to the homeless that we have done in previous years. We collect
necessary items as well as food. Every person is given a Bible along with
clothing items to help them keep warm, and gospel tracts. Many homeless here
are mentally ill with nowhere to go and no family to help them. Jesus went
about doing good, let us follow his example while we spread the gospel.
Along with
handing Bibles to interested people, we have placed a few on benches to let
people pick them up. Many Czechs will not be seen receiving a Bible from us,
but are willing to take it from a park bench. The other day, we placed a few
Bibles out and when we returned we saw a man sitting and reading it. We quickly
prayed for the Spirit to guide and show him the truth. Every opportunity, every
place, every soul. Please keep us in your prayers.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
We rejoice in all the Lord
We rejoice in
all the Lord is still opening up for us here in Brno. He has opened up so many opportunities
to testify of his mercy, love, and grace. Just the other day, I had the chance
to sit down with a small group of atheists to discuss the truths of the
Scriptures. They are a group of people with which I have scuba dived. The Lord
granted liberty to speak from Psalm 19.
“The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his
handiwork”. The best evidence to use with an atheist is the evidence from
creation itself. There can be no painting without a painter, no building
without a builder, no creation without a Creator. Even the staunchest atheist
knows that these first two could never come to pass all by themselves, they
will stick stubbornly to the idea that the third, this glorious universe, came
about from nothing all by itself. With a recent dive still on our minds, I
described the wonders we had seen. I asked several times how these incredible
creatures could possibly exist without a very intelligent Creator? One out of the four people began agreeing
with me yet the other three refused to consider even the possibility. Milan
began realizing the logic behind the conclusion so please pray for him to open
up to the gospel. The others, Honza, Daniela, and Martin need prayer as well.
First of all, to realize that everything we see came from the mind of an
incredible God.
Monday, October 16, 2017
Taking a break
On Saturday, Jeff and David decided to enjoy the sunny afternoon with a game of basketball. They arrived home two hours later covered with sweat. Jeff was not sure that playing ball with his 16 year old son was much of a break. So back to the office for some rest.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Czech population rises to 10.588 million
Czech Population Rises To 10.588 Million

Prague, Sept. 11, 2017 The number of inhabitants of the Czech Republic rose by 9,200 to 10,588,063 by mid-2017 thanks to immigration, mainly from Ukraine and Slovakia, according to the preliminary data released by the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) today. There was a higher number of deaths than births. Between January and June, 57,787 people died, the highest number since 1996, the CSU said.
In the same period, 55,528 children were born, roughly the same number as a year ago, when it was the highest over the past six years. The proportion of the children born out of wedlock reached 49 percent, while it stood at 48.6 percent last year. In the first six months of the year, 22,590 people moved to the Czech Republic, while 11,088 moved out. Roughly 2,600 more Ukrainians, 2,100 Slovaks and 700 Vietnamese were registered in the Czech Republic.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Religion in the Czech Republic
The most recent Pew Research Center, found that in 2015 72% of
the population of Czech Republic declared itself religiously
unaffiliated—a category which includes atheists,
and those who describe their religion as “nothing in particular”, 26% Christians,
while 2% belonged to other faiths. The Christians divided between 21% Catholic,
4% other Christians and 1% are Eastern Orthodox, while the religiously
unaffiliated divided between 25% as atheists, 1% agnostics
and 46% as nothing in particular (also atheists and agnostics when
we have questioned them about their belief). Also 29% said that they
believe in God, 43% had a belief in fate and 44% believed in the existence of
the soul.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Blessing of encouragement
We received an email form a man that found one of the Bibles that we are giving away free. I think this is the first emal that we have received thanking us for the Bible. God is so good!
P.M - našel jsem dnes Vaší
Bibli Kralickou v parku v Lůžánkách. Pokud ji budete chtít vrátit, nechte mi na
sebe kontakt. V opačném případě jsem za Vaši Bibly vděčný a určitě v četbě
ji užiju a mnohokrát děkuji. S pozdravem
Jeff - Nene,
to je naš cil. Rozdavame bible
zdarma. Čti to s Božim požehnanim
P.M. Haleluja, děkuji. (haleluja, thank you)
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Renewing old relationships
We continue to
meet with people who have either attended in the past or have worked through
the correspondence Bible studies. Yesterday, I met with Allen, a man we have
known for many years. The conversation turned to spiritual things and I was
able to share the gospel with him once again. He continues to have many objections
to the gospel. His life experiences and earlier false teaching are hard for him
to let go. As you all know, there are only so many reasons people use for
rejecting the gospel. We can answer the objections; but if the ground is not
prepared, the seed will not take root.
Galatians 6:9
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap,
if we faint not.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Bibles and tracts
Our Bibles in
the park ministry has had a great deal of success throughout the summer months.
We have been blessed to supply Bibles to over forty different individuals and
families. As I stated in a previous letter, we do not simply hand out the
Bibles as we do tracts but rather offer them for free. We locate in a high
traffic section of the park with our Bible display and wait until people come
to ask if they are actually free. We get such joy in hearing the responses of
gratitude from those who have never owned a Bible and are excited to receive
one. Here that tends to be one out of a thousand people that walk by, but we
are grateful to be able to offer the Bibles. We are very grateful to Bibles to
the nations for providing the Bibles to distribute. So far we have not seen any
further response to the invitations inserted in the Bibles, yet we trust the
Lord will use His word in people's lives.
Our tract
canvassing of the city continues to go well. Remember there are 400,000
residents in the city of Brno; therefore, this is a long-term project. We know
that our labor is not in vain in the Lord. The results are up to Him. We have
three tracts prepared to print this fall. One called “mittens”. Debra wrote
this after seeing so many babies in the winter without mittens. We will hand
them out to parents along with a pair of mittens. The next is the tract about
their St. Nicholas figure, Svatý
Mikulaš for the December 6th holiday. And the
third is called “Ježiš je důvod na slavení”, Jesus is the reason for the
season. The plan is to print these three
tracts this month or next to be prepared for the winter months.
Our Facebook
campaign continues to receive responses. Nearly every day, there are several
new page views. Even with many negative responses, the higher level of traffic
causes more people to view the pages to see what we are about.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Reaching out to Former Friends
We recently
began attempting to reach out to people we have had contact with in the past.
To those which had either requested correspondence Bible studies or had visited
services. Praise the Lord; one man, who had fulfilled a portion of the
correspondence course, came to church as a result of our invitation and has
been back several more times. Pray forJiři (George) to be saved. Pray that we can
minister to him and be a blessing. I do not think he can hear very well, because
he asks questions during prayer. He also seems to have no idea how the meetings
function as he regularly interrupts me with questions. I just praise the Lord
that he is there. I pray the Lord will draw Jiři unto Himself.
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Sowing the Seed
Psalms 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious
seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
We are continuing to work our way through the city with the
distribution of tracts in mailboxes. The city is laid out in sectors or
regions. We have completed the regions of Veveří and Ponava. We are now working on the section of
Černé Pole (Black Field).
The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two
edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of
the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the
We are able to function as messengers, but the Word of God is what
will perform its job in the hearts of the hearers. Pray for the Holy Spirit to
use His word to bring more people to repentance.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Gleaning the Corners of the Field
1 Corinthians
15:58 ¶Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not
in vain in the Lord.
What a blessing it is to know that the Lord is always faithful in
keeping His promises. Some of you may remember Martin. I met him ten years ago
through the sport of scuba diving. We became friends after I helped him
complete the drywall work in his house. Martin is in his mid thirties and is a
lifetime atheist. His father committed suicide about seven years ago. He is
also one of the best auto mechanics I have ever met. Through the years, we have
had many discussions about God and the Bible. We have talked at length about
why evolution simply does not make sense. Several times, we have stayed on the
phone for a couple of hours with me answering question after question and
responding quietly to objection after objection. During a recent call, I was
reminding him that he still needed to repent and trust the Lord Jesus Christ to
be saved. His response was that he had recently done that and that was one of
the reasons he was calling. Praise the Lord! Pray for him to follow through and
bring forth fruits meet for repentance. There are so many others which simply
need to stop kicking against the pricks and humble themselves before the Lord.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Family Health
I mentioned in the last prayer
letter the surgery on my finger. The result is not as good as I hoped, but it
is better than it was. Praise the Lord. David spent three days in the hospital
with a urinary tract problem. Not an infection, but he had a problem with his
internal plumbing that needed to be repaired (Narrowing of the urethra). He is
doing fine now. Glad to be out of the hospital. We are grateful that we have
access to good medical care for a reasonable price.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Safe in His hands
What a blessing it is to serve the
Lord. No matter what the world or the devil throws at us, we know we are safe
in His hand. On May 1st, there were protests around the city
of Brno. There was even a communist gathering and march through town. The
police and military were on high alert all day. A few arrests were made, but no
major problems or violence. An overwhelming show of force by riot police kept
the crowd under control. The attitude in
the Czech Republic seems to be very similar to what we see in America. Civil
conversation is all but completely absent. Society appears to be polarized in
ways we have never seen before. Dear friends, we must work while it is day, for
the night cometh when no man can work.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Sunday, May 7, 2017
First time visitor
At the end of March, we sent invitations to all of our prior correspondance students. Today, we had a man come to our services that received an invitation post card. He was somewhat different and had many questions including the question asking Jeff if he had Slivovice (moon shine) in his water glsss on the table. He also asked me if I had added Rum into his coffee when I served refreshments. Okay how would you respond? We hope he returns next week. Pray for this man who needs the Lord to save his soul.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Burning of the Witches, April 30th
On the evening of April 30th, Czechs gather to build a
bonfire and prepare an effigy of the witch that kept winter around so long.
Czechs used to believe that the power of witches would weaken as the weather
got warmer. So they thought that if they made something that looked like a
witch and burned it, they could finally get rid of the cold weather. First,
they tie two large sticks together to form a cross. Then they stuff old shirts,
pants and socks with straw and place a pointed hat on the top of the stack. The
witch is tied to a broomstick and set aside until darkness falls. When the fire
is roaring, people roast sausages on sticks, strum guitars, and sing their
favorite songs. Everyone looks forward to nightfall, when they will face the
spirits of the witches. As soon as it's dark, the effigy of the witch is
brought out and held up for all to see. Then, with a heave of the arm, it is
thrown on top of the bonfire. As the witch burns, so does the last of winter's
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Czech Bible Museum tour
Today after our morning services, Biblické Baptistické Shromáždění Brno (Brno Bible Baptist Church) had a great picnic and then a wonderful tour of the Czech Bible museum and memorial (Památník Bible Kralické a muzeum).
And then it began to sleet and snow.........
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Easter eggs, food and tradition
The decorated Eastern eggs
are called Kraslice, a name derived from the old Czech word meaning
"beautiful". And they are truly beautiful! Some eggs are coloured in
red to symbolize the blood of Christ. Most are decorated with motifs that are
geometrical, floral or religious using ancient techniques and patterns that
vary from one region to another. In Czech households the decoration of eggs has
mostly been a chore for girls, because boys have been busy making whips and
play with rattles. There are many stories about why Maundy Thursday has been
nicknamed the “Green Thursday” in the Czech Republic. Some believe it is linked
to Christian tradition, when you eat a meal free of meat and only vegetables
are consumed. In Czech Republic it is also celebrated with the production of
green beer, which is only produced once a year by the brewery Starobrno in
Brno. Green Thursday (Zelený čtvrtek) is also the day when young boys go out on
the village streets equipped with rattles to chase away evil spirits. Rattles
are a symbol to ward off the apostle Judas, who betrayed Jesus. The Czechs go
all-in with desserts on Easter. Sweet, fermented bread dominate, usually in the
form of a lamb. Buns are popular such as "Jidáš" (Judas bread) that
is decorated with a spiral that is supposed to represent the rope which Judas
hung himself with after having betrayed Christ. Although chocolate Easter
Bunnies have become more common, it is more traditional to form a sponge cake
like a lamb.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Jeff’s surgery
Many of you remember me regaling you with the story of my hand surgery. How I managed to find the surgeon who finished last in his class? For those who hadn’t heard I will give a short recap. In 2015 I went to a surgeon to ask about repairing my “trigger” finger. It is a situation where one, or more, fingers do not bend smoothly into the palm. They sort of snap back and forth. Well, the surgeon told me it would be no problem to repair it and we scheduled the operation for two weeks in the future. In America, I would never have had this done, but here we have socialized medicine so it was not going to cost me anything out of pocket. I found out that this doctor, who I knick-named the butcher of Brno, had never fixed a trigger finger before. Only months later, when I could not bend my finger into my palm or straighten it fully, did I realize what a mess he had made of my hand.
So, anyway,
three weeks ago I went to a plastic surgeon to have the finger repaired. After
nearly falling out of his chair with laughter, he assured me that he could
certainly improve the use of my right hand. He laughed even harder when he
recognized the name of the previous surgeon. Fortunately, once again there
would be no out of pocket expenses because of the system here. My finger is now
healing well. I can straighten it fully once again. I have been regularly
seeing a technician for rehabilitation therapy and the wound is healing nicely.
God bless you and thanks for praying
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Missionary emphasis month
The month of
March will be our first full month emphasizing the blessing and responsibility
of every Christian to give to support mission work in other countries. We have
seen people learning to trust the Lord in small ways, learning to walk by
faith. We see people taking baby steps and are asking the Lord to increase
their faith. We have instituted a program we are calling “save a crown, save a
soul”. The concept is to seek the Lord to lead them to bargains on items they
normally purchase and then give the savings to the work of missions. Our desire
is for people to seek the Lord throughout the day. Pray for the little things,
as well as the large things. What people in our churches need is often to draw
closer to the Lord through daily interaction. They need to “see” Jesus in a
very real way. For without faith it is
impossible to please God. Lord, help us all to live out our faith in
real-life concrete situations.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Continued prayer for Michal
I ask you to continue praying for Michal. I have been working with
him about his salvation for several months now. We finally completed the
salvation Bible study series this past Sunday afternoon. Michal told me that he
understands that he is lost, but thinks he is not able to get saved. A few
months back Debra spoke with him about getting saved and he told her that he is
too evil to be saved. Imagine a 14-year-old boy thinking that he is too wicked
to be saved? He explained that he frequently disobeys his parents, does not do
his school work on time and is lazy. Pray for him to believe the Scriptures. I
clearly explained that he will never be good enough to be saved. Jesus came not to call the righteous, but
sinners to repentance. He is greatly confused. Pray for his parents as
well, Janek and Anna. We have counseled them many times against being too harsh
with their boys. If the young man does not feel acceptance as he is from his
parents, how can he put his trust in God to accept him?
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Senate approves anti-smoking bill
The Senate has approved a bill that should introduce a broad ban on smoking in pubs and restaurants. The vote was preceded by a five-hour long heated debate in the upper house, with numerous efforts to modify the ban. According to Health Minister Miloslav Ludvík, the bill is a vital step in protecting public health and particularly that of the young generation which frequently tops the European ladder in tobacco and alcohol abuse. If the draft bill is signed by the president it should come into force in May this year.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Love, the first commandment
Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy
strength: this is the first commandment.💕
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Praising the Lord for our health
The third calendar week of this year
has seen a general increase of influenza cases as well as local outbreaks
across the Czech Republic. The
highest increase has been reported in Prague, as well as the Karlovy Vary and
Central Bohemia regions. In Prague alone, the week from January 15 – 21
has seen 972 cases
for 100,000 inhabitants. Within this same period, the
number of acute respiratory infection cases has risen by 15%. These acute
respiratory diseases include the flu as well as other seasonal diseases of
viral origin. In fact, the amount of influenza-like cases has increased by
almost 82%. Further, an increase has been detected in the number of confirmed
cases of the Influenza A (H1N1) subtype virus.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
2017 plans
desire for the coming year is to greatly increase the number of people to which
we can communicate the gospel message. We are using direct distribution on the
streets, distribution to homes and apartments, Facebook ads, confrontational
evangelism, along with offers to teach English and parenting classes. We have
seen a great deal of traffic to our web site due to the ads on Facebook. As the
Lord provides, we will increase our advertising outreach as well as the
preparation and printing of new tracts. The day of the Lord draweth nigh. Let us not grow weary in well doing, for in
due season we shall reap, if we faint not. It is our sincere desire to
bring glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and be witnesses unto Him
until the day of His return. May He richly bless your ministries in the coming
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Holiday Outreach
One of the
holidays the Czech people observe is Mikulash day. It falls on the 6th
of December. St Mikulash goes from house to house along with a demon and an
angel. If the children sing for this trio, they can receive a small gift. If
they have been disobedient, they get coal. So you see it falls somewhat in line
with the Santa Clause story some people observe in America. We had some tracts
printed specifically for this holiday and handed them out that day, along with
an invitation to church. We gave some of the tracts to young Maty Mazgut, who in
the 2nd grade. He intended on handing them out at school. He boldly
went to all his classmates and attempted to give out the tracts but not one
child was willing to take the material. Every one of them said that they don’t
believe the legend about the existence of God. We praise the Lord that he was
courageous enough to take the tracts and try to hand them out.
We had been praying that our personal
outreach, tract distribution, along with the Facebook ads would bring out a
larger group of people on Christmas day, however, we did have two returning
visitors which had not attended in a long time. The children performed a puppet
play. I preached on the virgin birth and then we had a wonderful meal prepared
by my incredible wife.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Grateful hearts
We look forward to the new year with joy unspeakable. God has done
such great things for us. It is an honor and privilege to serve Him here in the
Czech Republic. I want to begin by expressing our sincere gratefulness for the
prayer and financial support this past year. We are humbled by the sacrifices
the Lord’s people make so that we can continue to reach out to the Czech
people. The special offerings and Christmas gifts make such a difference. It is
hard to describe the joy a MK feels as he/she opens birthday cards and receives
gifts from our supporting churches. It is our desire and greatest prayer
request for Christ to work in hardened hearts, drawing them to Himself.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
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