Many of you remember me regaling you with the story of my hand surgery. How I managed to find the surgeon who finished last in his class? For those who hadn’t heard I will give a short recap. In 2015 I went to a surgeon to ask about repairing my “trigger” finger. It is a situation where one, or more, fingers do not bend smoothly into the palm. They sort of snap back and forth. Well, the surgeon told me it would be no problem to repair it and we scheduled the operation for two weeks in the future. In America, I would never have had this done, but here we have socialized medicine so it was not going to cost me anything out of pocket. I found out that this doctor, who I knick-named the butcher of Brno, had never fixed a trigger finger before. Only months later, when I could not bend my finger into my palm or straighten it fully, did I realize what a mess he had made of my hand.
So, anyway,
three weeks ago I went to a plastic surgeon to have the finger repaired. After
nearly falling out of his chair with laughter, he assured me that he could
certainly improve the use of my right hand. He laughed even harder when he
recognized the name of the previous surgeon. Fortunately, once again there
would be no out of pocket expenses because of the system here. My finger is now
healing well. I can straighten it fully once again. I have been regularly
seeing a technician for rehabilitation therapy and the wound is healing nicely.
God bless you and thanks for praying