Our youngest son turned 18 years old on Thursday 27th.
Happy Birthday, David. We love you!
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Ministry update
We have been
back in the United States for three months now. We are striving to serve the
Lord in our home church in Springfield, Missouri. I am writing especially to
thank all of you for your faithful prayers and support through the 16 years we
ministered in the Czech Republic. We believe the Lord did use, and will
continue to use the Words of the Lord we planted in their hearts of the Czech
people. Several people have contacted us to declare how much our time in Czech
meant to them personally. We know some were truly saved, others may still be on
the way to repentance, but God will receive glory and praise through it all.
The Word of God was faithfully preached and we have His promise that it will
not return void.
After a great
deal of time in prayer and meditation, we are convinced that the Lord would
have us establish a base in Springfield as “Home Missionaries”. We will work
alongside Pastor Norwood, to build the work here. The church has an aging
congregation that gives sacrificially to support the numerous ministries
sponsored by Grace Bible Baptist Church. In order for this to continue into the
future, there is a need to evangelize, witness, and otherwise labor here. At the
same time, I plan, Lord willing, to be available to fill-in for foreign
missionaries needing to take a short term furlough. There is an opportunity to
return to Czech for the summer months to labor in place of another man who
needs to travel home. This will only be possible if we are able to maintain
sufficient support. Even though I will be on staff here at Grace, there are not
funds available to even assist with our needs. Therefore, we are asking you,
those which know us well and have supported us for many years, to continue to
do so, should the Lord allow.
If our
supporting churches determine that this is not something they can support, I
will need to find a secular job. Doing so will seriously limit my ability to
minister as the Lord would have me to serve. It is still our greatest desire to
see souls saved and to labor for the Lord. We love and appreciate all of you,
regardless of how the Lord leads you in this matter.
Funds for Shipment
We would like to thank each of our supporters who sent additional funds
to help us pay to ship our belongings to the United States. I recently heard
from the shipping company. The container should be arriving in Chicago soon,
and then it will be transferred onto a truck to be delivered to us here in
Springfield, Missouri.
Family update
We are pleased and excited to announce the
engagement of our oldest son, James, to a very godly and sweet young lady that
he met in college, Caitlyn Hosfeld. They met in January 2016 and have been
friends ever since. James proposed to Caitlyn in August of this year. They plan
to be married after they both graduate in May 2019. (They now have their wedding set for May 18th 2019).

Back in the United States
We have been back in the States for several weeks now. We want to keep
you all updated as to how we are doing. We are enjoying spending time with our
children and grandchildren as well as getting reacquainted with our church
family here in Springfield, Missouri. Along with some much needed time for
rest, prayer and fasting, we have been serving our pastor and church. I have
been teaching Sunday school, as well as working around the property to help
complete some much needed maintenance tasks.
Brethren, we know that only eternity will
reveal all that was accomplished during our ministry in the Czech Republic.
There were souls saved, families were disciple, and the Gospel was preached to
every creature the Lord brought across our path. We rejoice in all that He
accomplished through us. Every Pastor understands the stress and burdens that
have to be faced when setbacks arise in ministry. Often discouragement,
self-deprecation, doubt, and even depression can set in. In spite of these
things, I am certain that we have completed the work the Lord had for us to do
in Brno. We are anticipating direction for continued service in the near
future. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
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