Although we distribute material throughout the year, we have endeavored to increase the intensity in the spring and fall. In that light, so far this spring we have distributed a hundred Scripture portions, (all we had remaining), as well as nearly 10,000 gospel tracts. Our response rate for materials distributed is approximately one out of every 50,000-75,000 pieces we distribute. 10 years ago we would receive Bible study requests at a rate of one out of every 10,000 pieces distributed. We know that it isn’t only in the Czech Republic where people are getting colder to the gospel, but it is here where we see it the most. Also in the past we were able to put tracts in many more mailboxes than we currently can. The large apartment complexes that used to have their mailboxes on the outside of the building are now moving them in behind locked doors. This is not just to avoid receiving gospel material, but also to avoid having the mailbox constantly stuffed with unwanted advertising. This is one reason why the idea I present in the following article is so exciting. In order to be faithful witnesses unto Jesus, we must find ways to get the material in the hands of the people. Please keep praying.