Sunday, January 7, 2018

Wishing all of you a successful new year in serving the Lord

I want to begin by wishing all of you a successful new year in serving the Lord. May we do greater things through greater faith in the coming year. We pray the Lord's richest blessings upon every spiritual endeavor.
We ended the year here in Brno in the same way it began. Doing our best to serve the Lord by being witnesses unto Him. We distributed the majority of our newly printed Christmas tracts. “Jesus, the reason for the season” We went out on St. Mikulash day the sixth of December and distributed our tracts dealing with that pagan holiday.  The children are visited by  St Mikulash, a demon, and an angel. If they sing Christmas carols and their parents approve, the children are given candy. If the parents want to discipline the children, the demon gives them coal. This tract is based on the true story of Debra's former Czech language teacher. She describes how fearful she was leading up to the visit. She knew she had not been doing right and she feared that the demon would take her away.

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